I’m Back! Coming back to gigs, revamped website, etc.

Hello! I have been so busy in life in the last years. So, what I am doing lately? Here are short recaps in the last years.


Better than ever!

Hello! I have been so busy in life in the last years. So, what I am doing lately? Here are short recaps in the last years.

1. Freedom – I got out of my first relationship in 2022. It was one of the greatest decisions I made!

2. Back in the gig scenes! – Pandemic caused me to stop previously. Now I started going to bars again!

3. Back in the tech communities! A lot has changed. A lot of student clubs emerged compared to our time. I am happy that more students are engaged in the community! I am safe to say that the communities will continue in the next generations.

4. Becoming one of WordCamp Asia 2025 Organizers – this is totally new! I already met other co-organizers online and face-to-face. They are amazing and I am excited in coming months until D-Day!

For more updates on the upcoming WordCamp Asia 2025, visit their website.

5. New gears – I acquired a new lens last June. I got Viltrox 13mm f1.4 Ultrawide!

6. Travelling solo – best feeling ever! I travelled solo twice, and I feel renewed. I did this for the first time in my whole life. It was quite scary, but I didn’t expect that I was able to do it! It was a part of my healing process from previous relationship breakup. I met new friends along the way. I hope I can meet them again soon.

7. New love – I am already happy being alone, but I didn’t expect that happiness will be twice when I fell for my current partner.

I’ll post a blog here of some highlights of my life and album sets of my previous gigs and events in coming days. Thank you so much for supporting my craft!


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